Well sorry this is rather short but the well organized GM is away this week!!
Old Peculiar and LOTR Jobs were the hares so westward bound we went again. The run started about 100m from OPs and LOTR Jobs front door near Yuquanlu Ditie convenient for them but not so convenient for the Chaoyang crowd who abstained in force. Despite hashers general homophobic leanings we have a new gay couple on the hash …. we hope they let us know when they are having their coming out party!!!
The first event of the hash was a rather rotund virgin who after paying his 60 yuan and 5 minutes into the hash (and about 5 marks) said “I don’t like this” and promptly went home!
We knew the hash was going to be interesting when a few minutes in we ran past some rather small “oh shits” and found the on home trail!!!
After turning round and running back onto the correct trail we continued with the run and then discovered that instead of marking the trail with chalk the hares had used all different types of shit (dog, human and totally unidentifiable). It was certainly the shittiest trail of the year. We even found some dried sausage that looked like “poo” to “rub it in” even more thoroughly. Photo available at this week’s hash!
The hares also used many non-standard hash markings as an opportunity to write several “Ha Ha” marks. Leading Circus Freak to comment that it was not only the shittiest trail but also the shittest hash of the year. Somewhat unkind me thinks, the hares had obviously gone to some effort to find all the shit and put it all on the hash trail. Pants off to both of them!!!
The only interesting land marks were a graveyard of portaloos followed by an abandoned theme park. Having lead us to another “Ha Ha” we promptly found the correct trail locked by some rather large gates! Most of the hash ran back around the locked compound and in through the entrance to escap e! However as I was running back along the road I heard a “hello” from behind me and looked round to find no-one there. I heard it again and this time was alerted to its direction … up. I looked up and on top of a 12 foot wall was none other than the hashes own famous figure skater “Trixie Schuber” having found an interesting if somewhat dangerous alternative trail!
The beer stop (only one) and short due to the cold weather was uneventful and we continued on back to A. Well I say we as a number of hashers Circus Freak included had obviously decided that the hash was not long enough and had run straight past the restaurant and was trying to run the hash again!!! Thankfully we called them all back and settled into the restaurant for a nice cup of tea until the hares arrived back and ordered us to drink beer.
A few of the down downs:
- The hares … the shittiest trail of the year
- Korean visitor … only hashing for 6 months but had a hash jacket with enough patches to put Mastur Baker to shame
- Petting Zoos … returnee, being kept at home by LSWanker
- Circus Freak (standing in as RA) … in the absence of one co GM and RA, for launching a takeover bid for all the hash management positions!
- Circus Freak … winging so much about the cold we had to move the circle inside
- LSWanker … new silver shiny trainers, you know what happened next!
- Beyond the call of duty award awarded to Trixie for hand delivering one of his own patches to our Korean visitor the night before she returned to Korea. We need to ask Trixie what he did at the visitor’s hotel!!!
On On
Little Sai Wanker