Join us again in another city-outdoor adventure, when we will be exploring the far sides of Beijing with your hares “Snot” and “Dazed & Confused”!!
As always we will offer you nice hazardous and Shiggy trails, amazing views and of course great cold beer in our very hilarious circle!!
This run will be dedicated to the the foundation of the Banjul H3 in Gambia in 1980, just 471 years after the death of the very infamous Spanish cartographer, conquistador and explorer JUAN DE LA COSA, who made the earliest extant European world map to incorporate the territories of the Americas and drunk a lots of beer.
- Date:
February 28, 2010 - Hares:
Snot and Dazed & Confused - Meet at:
West WangJing near the intersection of Fu An Xi Lu and Hong Tai Xi Lu.
One block west to the river. Jing Sun Road at Da Shan Zi turn left (two more right turns).
Bus from 3rd Ring Bridge 915, 980, 918 transfer at Da Shan Zi stop to 538 and lastly to 536 (IT IS SNOT AFTER ALL!!!!!)
Or we can meet at 1pm in Paddy’s and share a cab. D&C (hare) will be there. -
- Map to run start:
- Permalink at mobilenative
- Type:
A-B (Bag car available) - Time:
1:30PM, Run Starts 2:00PM
“Please note we are running with “winter hours” so runs will begin at 2 pm and we hold the circle outside so bring warm clothes for after the run and remember that a frozen sexual appendage is not a good reason to move the circle inside!!! Frozen beer is the only decent excuse!!!”