To better understand snot, let’s start with mucus. Mucus is thick, sticky, slimy and a good thing, like Snot, but we mean Snot, our Snot.. the hasher we mean, he is a good thing… Anyway, Mu-u-u-u-cus! Mucus is so important that it’s found all over nature. Inside your nose, it’s a thick, sticky, wet pudding-like gunk that coats your skin and hairs. We can say that “Snot”, is just another word for mucus. But it doesn’t mean that you can call Snot, Mucus, because that’s another hasher of the Togo Hash House Harriers… Oh my god!! this run will be awesome!!!
May 16, 2010
Snot (you can help him to have a great trail!! contact the
hareraiser ASAP)
Meet at:
Pinnacle Plaza in Shunyi outside of The Mexican Kitchen
Meet at 2:30PM, Off at 3:00PM
(2:00PM at Paddy’s if you want to share a taxi)
What to expect:
A nice run outside beijing with a clear sky and 28 °C
If you have not had the pleasure of haring, have a great location idea for a run and would like to hare or just haven’t hared in a while don’t miss the opportunity! Just contact Dry Hole at to sign-up.