So what’s up with Cinco de Mayo? What does it had to do with Snot, Hard to live with and Jolly green knob… this unique combination can have lead to extremely interesting results… but we dont care about it!!Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for “fifth of May”) is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 (IN YOUR FACE BLACK TURD!!) The date is observed nationwide as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. But remember… is not the Mexican Independence day!
Anyway… The only think that you must care off is that we will have a lot of beers, awesome mexican food and free flow of margaritas during dinner!!!
A to B - HARES
Hard to live with, Snot and Jolly Green Knob - WHEN
Sunday 8st. of May - TIME VERY IMPORTANT!!
We meet at 14:30, run starts at 15:00 - MEET AT
Exit D, China International Exhibition Center subway Station
Line 15, between Sunhe and Hualikan stations - HASH CASH
20 run only, 100 run and dinner (Authentic Mexican Buffet with free flow of margaritas) - WHAT TO EXPECT
Come and join us exploring the far lands of Shunyi!! Full of new places that not even the hares know about. Get a snails eye view of a jet Aircraft landing… or taking off!! But even more interesting: Get ready to discover the enigmatic working place of “Hard to live with” and find out why is so hard to live with “Hard to live with”.