As the weather warms up to 6 degrees Hashers could potentially venture near the city’s cultural center, past historic relics and down dusty roads and narrow alleys. We might indeed zig-zag in and out of hutongs and catch glimpses of happy tourists on rickshaws. There’s always the possibility of running through a peaceful park where the trail is perfectly marked and “On-On’s” are shouted for all to hear. This hash could also include delightful beer stops with unlimited and delicious cold beer!
But, oh shit, the hares have not done a thing to start the plans. Let us pray for the best.

  • Hares:
    One Nipple up, Comes on Vacation and Nut Pirate
  • Type:
    A to A
  • When:
    Sunday 19th. of February
  • Time:
    Meet at 13:30, runs starts at 14:00
    For Taxi convoy, meet at Paddy’s for breakfast or lunch from noon. Departure shortly after 1pm
  • Where:
    Dong Dan station (SW Exit) Line 1 or Jian Heng Restaurant.
    Jian Heng Can Ting No.1, Dong Dan Da Hua Road. From the SW exit at Dong Dan, walk South past Dong Dan Park. One you get to Da Hua Road, you will see the restaurant is just beside the Beijing Hospital. Alternate route is walking North from Chongwenmen Station to Da Hua Road. Phone: (010)85132471
    Click here for Map 
  • Hash Cash:
    20 RMB Run and Circle, 60 RMB Run, Circle and Dinner