Welcome Hashers to the Nanlishilu, the karaoke hub of Beijing!  To commemorate the run, El Cunto, Dazed and Confused, and Mind the Gap decided to started a new karaoke band called “Menudo” that is set to make millions by doing appearances at Chinese quinceañeras.  Why would you care about Menudo (come on- why would you not?)  Well, have you ever heard the high pitch squeals of D&C, the Colombian Latino Karaoke King?  Or Mind the Gap’s rendition of Like a Virgin in Black Turd’s bikini undies?  El Cunto does a mean Justin Bieber, and promises to sing you Justin’s biggest hit: “if i were a boy.”  So come one, come all and join the HHH run in one of those traditional but unknow areas of the west 2nd ring road: Nanlishilu.  It will be a run you will never forget!

  • Hares:
    Mind the Gap, Le Cunt and Dazed & Confused
  • Type: 
    A to A
  • When: 
    Sunday 14th ocotber 2012
  • Where:
    Nanlishilu Subway Station, Exit C, Line 1
    More details here
  • Time:
    Meet at 14:30, Run starts at 15:00
  • Hash Cash:
    20 RMB run and Circle, 60 RMB Run, Circle and Dinner