In the ancient Hutong, rooves were designed to collect rain water into the center of the courtyard because water brings health, health means longevity, longevity means prosperity, prosperity means money. In the modern Hashes, runs are designed to collect hashers because hashers collect beer, beer means fun, fun means women, women mean less money. Beijing has changed a bit as well, that’s why we invite you to the wi(l)dest Hutong within the old Peking. But the main attraction of this run will be the long awaited return of our MYSTERY HARE!

  • Hares:
    Prancing Queen, Black Turd and a very special Mystery Hare
  • Type:
    A to A
  • When:
    Sunday 21st. of October
  • Time:
    Meet at 14:30, run starts at 15:00
  • Where:
    Lingjing Hutong subway station, Line 4, Exit D 
    Map here
  • Hash Cash:
    20 RMB run and Circle, 60 RMB Run, Circle and Dinner