Aah, Halloween- the one day a year when boys can wear their Spidey costumes out in public and girls are free to unleash their inner hoebag on the world. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. So dig out your leather, lace and superhero capes folks and meet us on the hallowed grounds of Lido for one of the most frightening runs in Hash House history. We will run on the perfectly manicured lawns of Side park *gasp*, idyllic dirt paths*tremble*, past hipster yuppies on their way to 798 *shudder* and even more terrifyingly- sober people! *double gasp*
This run is not for the faint of heart, but fear ye not; with free-flow beer we’ll definitely be getting into the “spirit” of things.
- Hares:
Dog Pounder and Dry Hole
- Type:
A to A
- When:
Sunday 28th. of October
- Time:
Meet at 13:30, run starts at 14:00
(We are on winter hours from now on)
- Where:
Meet in the small park next to Sichuan Yao Restaurant (map, photo), opposite the north gate of the former Lido Holiday Inn (now Metropark Lido Hotel).
Map here
- Hash Cash:
20 RMB run and Circle, 60 RMB Run, Circle and Dinner
- What to bring:
we would kindly like to remind everyone that wearing a costume on this run is about as optional (and punishable) as beer at a beer stop. Super-awesome prize incentive for the best one! Some ideas for those of you brain-dead/permanently hung-over/ still deliberating types:
Ingredients: Garbage bag
Ingredients: A white sheet
Ingredients: Complete Sunday’s hash, participate in every beer stop and down down