Wankers fear not, there is a real trail tailored for you too! From theLuxembourg Gardens walk to the Metro station, get on the Metroand get off the Metro at Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel. From theMetro walk to the Tower and get the elevator up to the second observation deck. If the Wankers want to see Paris, they’ll probably want to take a tour bus right?
- Hares:
Dame Doggie De La Fondue, Marquis Mon Mapple-Leaf & Baron Knob De Sainte Hood
- Type:
A to B
- When:
Sunday 9th December
- Time:
Meet at 13:30, run starts at 14:00
- Hash Cash:
20 RMB run and circle / 60 RMB run, circle and dinner
- Bring:
Warm clothes for the circle – the second observation deck can be quite cold, passport, toothbrush and a spare pair of undies.
- Where:
Dongzhimen (Lines 2, 13, Airport Express!), Exit D (South West)
Map here