Spring is on the way, Beijing is beautiful….
We have been to the old style of Beijing, such as Chongwenmen area, houhai, dongzhimen. Wangjing is similar to Shuangjing area, a modern area.
Luckily hashers can see the history of Beijing from old style 100 years ago to new style 2000s by exploring different parts of the city, this helps us to understand how the society developed and grew.
Running and walking builds our bodies, making us strong but doing the hash in Beijing also builds our souls. Do not miss this trail, for you can enhance your talent and wisdom!
Your hare Nut Pirate has been doing the hash for more than one year and is amazed at how much wisdom he has gained though it!


Nut Pirate and Undulator
A to A
Sunday 24th Febuary
Meet at 13:30, run starts at 14:00
Hash Cash:
20 RMB run and circle / 60 RMB run, circle and dinner
Warm clothes for the circle

Meet in the small park next to Sichuan Yao Restaurant, opposite the north gate of the Metropark Lido Hotel (formerly Lido Holiday Inn).  On food is at the Sichuan Yao for you late comers!