Happy 狗 year! A new zodiacal dog-ma is cumming into effect in Chinese 2018 – this week’s hares are certainly no experts in this (or in anything, for that matter) but then again, why would knowledge outweigh an opinion?! As far as the hares can tell / care, Chinese tradition says that the year of the dog should be spent “drinking more beer and licking yourself clean”. Or something like that.

Let your inner dog out and hash with us this SUNDAY (why the hell aren’t we always hashing on Sundays?!) in the (hopefully) dog-friendly southeastern part of Beijing’s second ring road. We shall celebrate the new year doggy style, honour Forever Drunk and all the other ankle biters that fucked off recently, and dress up like dogs! Before it all goes to the dogs let’s rather go to the hash.



Breakfast Included, All In, Blister Fister


S-U-N-D-A-Y, February 25, 2018


Meet at 1:30pm, Run starts at 2pm…(ish)



Hash Cash:

30 RMB run/walk and circle
80 RMB run/walk, circle, and dinner.




Golden chef restaurant (yummy dongbei food with huge portions!) at 4 Nanxiaoshikou Street


Get out at exit A of Guangqumennei station, sniff your way west for 100 meters, turn right, into Nanxiaoshikou Street, and you’ll find this week’s kennel on your right after another 100 m or so (who cares, dogs don’t count meters, and neither do hashers). ?

7 号线广渠门内站A出口,往西走 100m,在南小市口街往右转,饭馆儿在右边。