Beijing Bicycle Hash House Harriers2022-01-20T16:38:26+08:00

A Bicycle Hash in Beijing?? Of course!! After all, is Beijing, the city of bikes.
Join us every month for an amazing ride, discovering the hidden secrets of the capital!

The Beijing Bicycle Hash House Harriers, known as the Bike Hash, or Beijing BASH, started in the sunny morning of May 1st of 2013, by the hand of “Life Of Pee”, it only survived a single ride (although there were a few unofficial rides around). It was revived again in July 2021 by “Red Snatcher” and “Banana Shoes” who took the idea a bit more seriously and made it a regular event which is highly anticipated by hashers broad and wide!

Upcoming Bicycle Hash

Bike Hash#20 – Tuesday Slow Squad

When : Tuesday 5th March 2024

Meet up : 19:00 for a 19:30 start.

At : Trackid, the box.  北京市朝阳区朝外大街12号The Box年轻力中心南门TRACKID

Distance: About 15km, might be some on afters.

Weather : Chilly, bring gloves.

Hash Cash: Free – Will stop by 7/11s on the way. Pay for your own sustenance.

Hare: Jack Off All Beans

All bikes welcome.

We don’t leave anyone behind. This is a slow squad ride for fun. Not to be taken too seriously.

Feel free to bring some portable speakers and a steezy playlist.

We’ll meet at the bike shop ‘Trackid’ in case anyone needs something quickly.

The owners are friendly and very helpful.

There’s a fridge full of beers, pastries and a barista that serves coffee as well as their patented cucumber+coconut healthy juice.

About 7:30pm we’ll “on, on!” to a few 7/11s which will be treated as beer/water stops.

If you’re hungry, there isn’t going to be a pre-planned dinner after, we’ll just play it by ear so you might want to grab a sandwich from 7/11.

Will aim circle for 9:30 for any accusations and announcements.

You can rest your singing voices for another hash.


Important safety matters / 重要的安全事项:

• If you’re riding your own bike, don’t forget a small repair kit / 如果您骑的是自己的自行车,别忘了


• Also some basic first aid stuff / 还有一些基本的急救用品

• Consider wearing a helmet / 考虑戴头盔

• Consider (but not too seriously) not drinking beer on-trail / 考虑(但不要太认真)不要在路上喝啤酒

• Seriously consider taking out accident insurance if you don’t already have health insurance … Red Snatcher has found a very affordable one – it’s rmb1.6 per person and it gives you coverage for seven days (you can also choose 30 days or 365 days coverage). Each person is responsible to do this themselves AND WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT. / 如果您还没有健康保险,请认真考虑购买意外险…… Red Snatcher 找到了一款非常实惠的保险——每人 1.6 元人民币,为您提供 7 天的保险(您也可以选择 30 天或 365 天) 覆盖。 每个人都有责任自己做这件事,我们强烈建议。

By |March 28th, 2024|Categories: Bike Hash|Tags: |Comments Off on Bike Hash#20 – Tuesday Slow Squad

Past rides

Bike Hash #15 Bike Polo Social

When / 日期: Sunday 6thNovember 2022 Meet up / 时间: 13:00 for a 13:45 start. At /在: Great Leap Brewery 12 (Gongti) Distance距离:less than 10km to polo spot. 7km on after. Weather / 天气: Bit chilly, bring gloves. Hash Cash: 20rmb - [...]

By |November 1st, 2022|Categories: Bike Hash|Tags: |Comments Off on Bike Hash #15 Bike Polo Social

Bike hash #13 – Pulp Traction

When / 时间: Sunday 2ndOctober 2022 Meet up / 时间: 14:00 for a 14:30 start. At /在: Wangjing subway station exit H (there is a “Convenient Bee” shop) Distance:15km for group ride. 30km for alleycat(depending on navigational skill) Weather / 天气: Maybe [...]

By |October 13th, 2022|Categories: Bike Hash|Comments Off on Bike hash #13 – Pulp Traction

Bike Hash #12 Alleycat+ Group Ride

When / 日期: Sunday 4th September 2022 Meet up / 时间: 14:00 for a 14:30 start. At / 地点: Great Leap Brewery 12 (Gongti) 大跃工体店 Address/ 地址:新中街乙12号紫铭大厦 Distance/ 距离:  15km for group ride. 30km for alleycat(depending on navigational skill) Weather [...]

By |September 19th, 2022|Categories: Bike Hash|Comments Off on Bike Hash #12 Alleycat+ Group Ride

Bike Hash #11 Alleycat Scavenger Hunt

When / 时间: Sunday 7thAugust 2022 Meet up / 时间: 14:00 for a 14:30 start. At /在: 4 Corners 四角Bar Distance:At least 20-25km for group ride. About 40km for alleycat(including part of the group ride). Weather / 天气: [...]

By |September 19th, 2022|Categories: Bike Hash|Comments Off on Bike Hash #11 Alleycat Scavenger Hunt


The bike hash mismanagement is called “The Inner Tube” (isn’t that great!)

Inner Tube Team:

  • Red Snatcher
  • Banana Shoes
  • Shtupwaffel
  • Pickle Boy
  • Socratease
  • Steaming Pile of Shit
  • Polish my Helment
  • Little Red Shitting Hood

Mismanagement team rotate randomly.

Hash Cash:

5  RMB per person


Participating in hashing and hashing events is a potentially hazardous activity that could result in injury or death. I am participating in this event at my own risk and I assume all risk and responsibility for injuries I may incur as a direct or indirect result of my participating in this event. Having read this Release and knowing the risks involved in my participation in this event, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this Release. Further, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from any and all claims which may result from my participation in this event. I certify I have read this Release and Agreement to Indemnify, I understand it, and I agree to its terms relating to every BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS event or activity.

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