Panda Penis Pandemonium

Howling Run # 6: Special Birthday hash: 30 FOUR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By |2024-09-05T23:28:24+08:00September 5th, 2024|Full Moon Hash House Harriers|

Join us for a special birthday celebration at PANDA PENIS PANDEMONIUM, or simply 3P. There's a golf quote by Charles Barkley that says, "You can't play golf and not drink. It's the only sport they let you drink while playing." Like golf, we can only hash while enjoying some drinks (with a few exceptions). On August 17th, we will tee off [...]

Beijing Full Moon H3 #200 Fruit Ninja Moon

By |2024-09-05T16:57:27+08:00September 5th, 2024|Full Moon Hash House Harriers|

Dear Gentle Hashers, You are cordially invited to celebrate a momentous occasion—the 200th run of the Beijing Full Moon Hash! After 200 runs, we’ve reached a proud old age, so naturally, we’re celebrating with an extra childish and silly theme. Because, really, who says you can’t be 200 and still play with your food? For anyone who did not spend [...]

Beijing Full Moon H3 # 199 The Grand Beijing Duck Lilo Race

By |2024-09-05T15:23:25+08:00September 5th, 2024|Full Moon Hash House Harriers|

After reHASHing some of our full moon favourites we are back with a brand new full moon theme! Join us this month for Beijing’s first inflatable duck race. Under the full moon we will be racing down Liangma river in true Beijing fashion: on inflatable ducks. As we’re a competitive bunch this isn’t just any lame duck excursion but a [...]

Beijing H3 #2149 Tequila Strikes Back

By |2024-05-16T19:07:39+08:00May 16th, 2024|Beijing Hash House Harriers|

In a galaxy far, far away, a group of hashers gathered together and realized that it was time for the ultimate fusion. In an unholy marriage, Cinco de Drinko and May 4th landed on the same weekend. The hash had to become "The Tequila Strikes Backs." Come dressed as your best Mexican Star Wars character, and get ready to get [...]


Participating in hashing and hashing events is a potentially hazardous activity that could result in injury or death. I am participating in this event at my own risk and I assume all risk and responsibility for injuries I may incur as a direct or indirect result of my participating in this event. Having read this Release and knowing the risks involved in my participation in this event, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this Release. Further, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from any and all claims which may result from my participation in this event. I certify I have read this Release and Agreement to Indemnify, I understand it, and I agree to its terms relating to every BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS event or activity.

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