Hash Social

Birthday parties, pub crawls, meetings, any excuse to get together goes here.

Red Dress Run 2018 this Saturday July 7th

By |2020-07-27T11:55:15+08:00July 5th, 2018|Beijing Hash House Harriers, Hash Social, Upcoming Events|

It only cums once a year, but when it cums, you better hold onto your f*cking panties — which better be red. In fact, it’s so big that Beijing has ordered a complete revamp of the country’s entire plumbing system in order to withstand this impending storm. (What, you never heard about the part of the Toilet Revolution that involves [...]

This Saturday: Beijing HHH’s Run #1800

By |2020-07-27T11:55:24+08:00April 18th, 2017|Beijing Hash House Harriers, Hash Social|

What a momentous occasion! The one-thousand-eighteenth running of the Beijing Hash! That's a lot of runs since our founding way back in 1979! If you were to drink just one beer for each running of the Beijing hash, you'd have to drink this many beers: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? We're celebrating with a great big spring-time hash in Chaoyang Park, followed by a parkside [...]

Beijing HHH #1743: ? St. Patrick’s Day Run ?

By |2020-07-27T11:55:34+08:00March 16th, 2016|Beijing Hash House Harriers, Hash Social|

One of the most traditional runs of the Beijing Hash comes to life again to close the St. Patricks Week festivities! Run, Walk, Jog or Crawl to Celebrate the arrival of Spring and the Irish spirit in us all: The Beijing Hash House Harriers is pleased to announce our St. Patricks Day Run 2016!  A very green run awaits for you this Sunday with some [...]

Bali Interhash 2016

By |2020-07-27T11:55:36+08:00January 12th, 2016|Beijing Hash House Harriers, Hash Social, Upcoming Events, What's new?|

For more information visit www.interhash2016.com   INTERHASH NEWSLETER DECEMBER 2015 HHHiInterhashers, Lots of things have been happening since we last spoke. Here is our Bali Interhash 2016 E-Newsletter update of the events of October and November from Sunny Bali. We have just had a great Pan Indo event with 2000 hashers from all over South East Asia and beyond heading [...]


Participating in hashing and hashing events is a potentially hazardous activity that could result in injury or death. I am participating in this event at my own risk and I assume all risk and responsibility for injuries I may incur as a direct or indirect result of my participating in this event. Having read this Release and knowing the risks involved in my participation in this event, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this Release. Further, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from any and all claims which may result from my participation in this event. I certify I have read this Release and Agreement to Indemnify, I understand it, and I agree to its terms relating to every BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS event or activity.

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