Sound the trumpets! That great time of year has come again, when this time 241 years ago – 13 colonies putin the work and applied the art of the deal, schlonging her majesty and declaring themselves an independent brand! Bing bing bong bong bing bing bing!

Since then it’s grown into the amazing, covfefe, totally bonkers cunt’ry that we all know as the US freakin’ A! So tweet it from the rooftops! This is not fake news! Tell everyone you know we’ll all be russian down to Shilihe to grab the 2017 independence day hash by the pussy! Home of animal markets, illigal cricket fighting, suspicious looking spas and seemingly 90% of the home decor outlets in Beijing!

Your hares – Crash Test Dummy, Dunkin’ Dog Nuts & St. Knickerless have formed a trail through winding hutongs and abandoned city-space sure to make the hash great again! Bing bing bong bong bing bing bing on on!


Crash Test Dummy, Dunkin’ Dog Nuts and St. Knickerless


Sunday, July 2nd


Meet at 2:30PM, Hash starts at 3PM

Meet at:

旺湘楼 (Wang Xiang Lou)


Turn left out of Line 10/14 ShiLiHe Exit D and follow the railings until you reach the subway skybridge above, turn left and follow the subway line above you for 500(ish) meters until you reach a junction and see the restaurant across the road to your left.
地铁10号/14号线十里河站D口出左侧直走, 右拐 ,继续直走,饭店在左手边 《旺湘楼》

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