It is that time of year when we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox and that can only mean one thing. It’s time for the BJH3 #168 Full Moon Hash! As tradition holds, the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox is also known as the Harvest moon. But it’s also known as the Corn  Moon, so we’re going to celebrate 2 moons in one evening!

Corn Facts:

  • Did you know corn is not a plant that can exist naturally in the environment- it must be planted and conserved by humans for it to flourish. Because of its long history of domestication, corn is now unable to independently reproduce. (is a corn fluffer a thing?)
  • Did you also know the bulk of corn that is harvested does not go to food production. Instead, it is used to help make items such as plastic, batteries, cosmetic and hygiene items, medicine and adhesives.

*Note that this FMH will start a short(ish) distance from the Beijinger Burger Fest – if you are going Monday there will be a hash group that will walk to FMH from the Burger Fest.

Hash cash:

30rmb for beer stops and circle.

Your Hares:
Just Daniel, Just Alex, Steaming Pile of Shit

Trail is A-B

Bag drop is dependent on your friendship with walkers!

Monday, September 20. 7:30pm meet up 8:00pm flour talk and start

Lots of options. TBD

D’erections to meet up spot:
Line 14 Donfengbeiqiao Station, Exit D
