Nearly 6 months have passed since the first running of the Beijing Hash House Harriettes so we have decided to convene for a… ahem.. SPECTACULAR trail! This second running of Beijing’s most affirmative and supportive hash is sure to leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling. We will head to the Dongsi neighborhood of central Beijing for a live romp around the hutongs. The open checks will be plenty, the beer will be foamy, and the on-on calls will be higher pitched.


Chosen on Sight!


Monday, August 19th


7:30pm meet, 8:00pm run



Hash Cash:

Harriettes: 20 rmb run

Male Hashers: 20rmb + the wage gap difference of your home country

(Dinner on your own)

Special Notes:

1. There will be a stop at our lovely Danger Zone’s apartment so please bring a bag big enough to steal some of her left behind goodies before she fucks off from the BJ Harriettes Hash.

2. While the BJ Harriettes Hash is a hash by harriettes and for harriettes, ALL hashers are welcome to join this run regardless of gender, creed, nationality, ability,  sanity, etc. Non-women hashers will be subject to special rules that will be reviewed in the opening circle.


Slowboat Brewery (Dongsi Location)

105 Shengyuanhui, 157 Dongsi South Street, Dongcheng District



Take line 5 to DengShiKou Station(灯市口站)