

The pollution has reached unHash like proportions. No running today, only walking and drinking! Come meet us at Paddy O’Sheas at 2:00pm. We may do a very short walk and circle. Best part is, it’s free!

Meet at: Paddy O’Sheas

Cost: FREE


The Snatchy Path leading up the many precipitous lossical scale as one of the many enclosed by a vast, drouthy urban terrain sprawling across mid-Beijing appeared no pleasant journey for any Hasher doted by the foul stench of car exhaust, but for those who wish to bask in the sweet aroma of an icy cold Yanjing will manage to maintain the mutable balance like a drunken Splashy Pants whilst he desperately reaches for salvation from a sapless thistle. It will be on this first day of thy new year that as brothers we shall purge thine hangovers by joining arms with fellow hashers as we ascend through the temple of earth looking to find, admist the baroque cathedral, ultimate integrity and belonging.

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  • Hares:
    Shanghai Man, Hot Cockolate, Bjorn Again, Agent Orgy
  • Type:
    A to A
  • When:
    Sunday, 1 January 2017
  • Time:
    Meet at 1:30pm, run and walk start at 2:00pm
  • Hash Cash:
    30 RMB run/walk and circle
    80 RMB run/walk, circle and dinner
  • Meet up:
    Tea Tangli Beijing Flavor Restaurant Paddy O’Shea’s
  • D’erections:
    Hepingli Beijie subway station exit B, Walk north 300 meters then turn right onto Qingniangou Road, The restaurant is on the south side of the street another 300 meters down the street.

