This month, our Mystery Hare(s) takes us to trails near the source of our tap water – Miyun. 
Beijing City planners built the Miyun Resevoir, the city’s biggest, in 1960. Two main rivers, Chaohe and Baihe, flow into Miyun Reservoir, the catchment of which is about 15,788 km2.
Miyun’s surroundings, quiet atmosphere and healthful fengshui will certainly energies and make you thirsty for what will follow the run and the circle.
Following the A-to-A trail, not to exceed ten kilometers, and the circle the Hare(s) promise to have all Hashers back at Tim’s in time to freshen up, change and partake in the Hash Christmas Ball festivities scheduled to take place at Frank’s Place starting at 7:00 PM.

Dress in layers, preferably with an outer wind breaker. Those planning on changing at Tim’s before the Ball can store their clothes on the bus during the run.

  • Hares:
    Mystery Hare(s)
  • Type:
    A to A
  • When:
    Satruday 8th December
  • Time:
    Meet at 9:30am, depart at 10:00am.
  • Hash Cash:
    70 RMB for the bus, trail, circle, snacks and beer. There will be NO BASH this month to accommodate Hashers attending the Hash Christmas Ball.
  • Where:
    Tim’s Texas BBQ (Address: Silk#2 Building, 14 Dongdaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District)
    Map here