It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

Could free trade be taking a deep six into Davie Jones’ locker? Is glasnost seeing its glory days fading into a distant memory? Will perestroika fend off the dark shadow of hegemony and global protectionism? Read on should you know the answer ….

Join us on Saturday for an opportunity to cleanse yourself of thoughts of woe and world chaos. Join us in uniting society with the one commonality we all share – the love of beer. See how a virtual visit to Manhattan’s most famous park will lift your heavy spirits and make you thirsty. Experience true exhilaration and work up a thirst as you imagine you have truly touched down in Gorky Square. Trot down traditional hutongs while dreaming of beer. Romp through a culturally significant and historic park craving even more beer.

And what is the answer we are seeking? There is only one, my friends, and that is WORLD PEACE THROUGH BEER!



Cock Chain, Principal Penetration, Silent but Deadly

Date and Time

Saturday, November 24, 2018
Meet at 1:30, run starts at 2pm sharp!!(ish)

Hash Cash

30 RMB for run and circle
80 RMB for run, circle, and dinner


DongShengGe Dumplings
Bldg 6, GuanDongDian Bei Jie


Subway Line 6 to DongDaQiao Station. Exit B. Look south and cross the street. Walk 30 metres to Guandongdian Street. Turn left, heading east, and walk for another 100 metres and you are there. The restaurant is on your right.