It has long been foretold that on a wintery, dry, Saint Andrews (Sun)Day the hashers of Beijing will rise up and compete in a Hashland Games. These Games are a test of power, strength and drinking-skill. May the winner be crowned King of the Beer and bring glory to the hash-fathers (and mothers and virgins…)
Brave-hearted hashers, prepare your kilts and whisky to join us and make hash-history!
“Every hasher drinks, not every hasher truly drinks”
“They may take away our virgins, but they’ll never take our beer!
Juicy Bla Bla, Twincest and Just Juan
Sunday, December 1, 2019, meet up at 13:30, run starts at 14:00
Hash Cash:
30 rmb run only
80 rmb run & dinner
马路边边 串串香 Malubianbian Chuanchuanxiang (Tianshuiyuan dian), 北京市朝阳区水碓子中街甜水园北里7号楼 Chaoyang District, No. 7 Shuiduizi zhongjie Tianshuiyuan beili
Jintailu (line 6 & 14) exit F. Head north up the road then take the first right, carry straight about 100m. Restaurant on your left hand-side.
Or Chaoyang Park station exit D1. Head south then take the second left.