Indeed, February is the shortest month of the year, so we are going to make your commute to this week’s hash a tad long…. to the often ignored and forgotten West side of Beijing.  BUT fear not, it’s worth it. This my friends, is the realm of No Shit Sherlock and we are going to make sure you see things that would never exist in your cozy and sheltered East side of Beijing. In the process, we will go over bridges, under bridges, squeeze through narrow alleys, scoot past docklands and enjoy the most emerald colored of lakes.
And in the end, not only do we have free beer, we have the GREAT FREE BEER from the sponsors who previously brought us Duval, Vedet, and that canned wine stuff everyone loves.  Reportedly, there may even be an exclusive new brand for us to sample. And for all of those renegades who pulled off a run this past Sunday, special Westworld style -down-downs are coming your way].
So Go WEST ye hashers …. great stuff awaits!

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  • Hares:
    No Shit Sherlock, Danger Zone, RoadKill
  • Type:
    A to A
  • When:
    Sunday, 26 February 2017
  • Time:
    Meet at 1:30pm, run and walk start at 2:00pm
  • Hash Cash:
    30 RMB run/walk and circle
    80 RMB run/walk, circle and dinner
  • Meet up:
    Xi Men Shuan Rou. 西门涮肉。
  • D’erections:

    XinJieKou Station, Subway Line 4, Exit D, and head west 300 meters. 地铁4号线新街口站D出口往西300米。
