You’ve picked out your favorite costume, the costume you’ve been crafting since last year, with every small detail delicately planned. The one that is gonna be a SMASH on Instagram………

OOOORRRRRR you JUST found your costume from last year, and MAYBE you’ve gotten around to washing out the beer stains from it.


Either way, you better be ready, cuz our Halloween Hash is coming!


Get ready for some of the spookiest sights you’ve ever seen! There will be ghosts howling Not Tonight as we run through the parks, goblins daring us to Cum for Seconds as we dodge their goblin poop, and open checks that lead to haunted courtyards FILLED with……………. Cheesy……… Balls…..?..?


Don’t say we didn’t warn you…


Cums for Seconds, Not Tonight, Cheesy Balls


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Meet at 1:30, Run starts at 2:00 sharp!!! (ish)

Hash Cash:

30 rmb run only

80 rmb run & dinner

Dress Code:

(Good) Halloween Costumes


太熟悉家常菜(慧新店)Taishuxi HomeDishes (Huixindian), 北京市朝阳区慧新东街 19号 No.19,Huixindong street Chaoyang district


Huixinxijienankou station (line 5/10), Exit B.  Turn around from the exit and walk east on Beitucheng road to HuiXinDong street, then turn left. Restaurant is on the West side of the street.

地铁5号线/地铁10号线 惠新西街南口B口,北土城东路向东方向,大概走500米,左侧路口就是餐厅。