National Week is quickly closing in on us, and people are itching to get the hell out of the city to places abroad (well maybe not Japan), but before we all rush of to qeue like cattle in airports and railwaystations with the millions of other people who have the exact same idea, let’s kick this mother of all national holidays off in style by running through the beautifully moonlit hutongs of Gulou. 
  • TYPE:
    A to A, Live trail, old school catch-the-hare rules
  • WHEN:
    Saturday 29th of August – 8:00pm, Hare off at 8:30pm
As always, if you would like to step up and be the manliest of all (wo)men, get a hold of Prancing Queen at INSERT SUPER OFFICIAL HASH EMAIL HERRR and hare this bitch. Otherwise the suckers will be chosen that night.
On On
Prancing Queen

Full Moon BONUS:

Is our dear One Nipple Up’s FOYW party, so come and join us to make har las days in Beijing totally unforgetable. She will be with us at the fullmoon hash, and after she will hold her party at MODERNISTA (map here)