This month, the Full Moon Hash is marking a decade’s worth of runs by delving deep into the pseudo-scientific waters of astrology and welcoming the rise of the Full Flower (Flour?) Moon.

It heralds a time to “listen to the wise words of elders (Dry Hole), respect your traditions and learn from history”, according to Australian astrologist Jamie Partridge, who somehow makes a living out of this bunk.
Never mind that it’s all a load of hokum, just focus on shedding your “outer skin” because the Flower Moon is here to “symbolize us humans” (whatever that means).
Don’t ask us, we’re not the experts, though we do like the idea of a flower-themed hash – so bring out your blooms, your blossoms and your posies for this month’s fully floral Full Moon!
And in the wise words of Cherokee Billie, a Miami-based “spiritual advisor”, remember that whenever the Flower Moon is aloft, you must “make a plan to pay up (the 20 kuai you owe hash cash), or face the consequences of your inaction!”


Old school rules, hares raised on the spot


Live trail, catch-the-hare


Friday, June 1st


Meet at 7:30 p.m. Run starts at 8 p.m.

Hash Cash:

Run & circle 20 kuai, dinner A-A-zhi (bill shared between diners)

Meet up:

Chill Bar, 2 Andingmen Xidajie


Subway Line 2 Andingmen Station Exit A (West exit). Walk South across Andingmen Bridge and head South West for about 50 meters. The resto is on the opposite side of the park.