
This Friday Full Moon hash prepare for the scariest part of Westerb culture to hit Beijing yet. Join us on our journey as we brave it through laowai territory and trick or treat with Chinese characteristics. From spooky costumes to scantily clad men, you’ll be quaking in your boots. Be sure to wear your best costume ever or who knows what the ghosts, goblins and ghouls will extract as punishment.

The Beijing Hash House Harriers will have their vampire teeth and blood on display at Paddy O’Sheas at 9pm this Friday October 31st, run starts around 10pm or after sufficient beer has been consumed. Because that’s Halloween of course. Meet there to zombie chase the live hare! A to A with some Chinese takes on American traditions along the way. Oh and beer. Because that’s a Halloween tradition too.

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  • Hares:
    Chokes One Out, Bearded Clam, Whose Red Weenie
  • Type:
    A to A
  • When:
    Friday, 31 October 2014
  • Time:
    8pm bag drop, 9pm beer drop, 10pm-ish run!
  • Place:
    Paddy’s Irish Bar, Dongzhimenwai Dajie
  • Bring:
    your should be wearing a costume already!