Friday night: Pre-lube (Beer Street)
Saturday: 2:00 p.m. Boxer Hash, Seafood bash, pub crawl (Beer Street + John Lennon’s Bar, New York Bar….)
Sunday: 12:00 noon Sunday run in Historic Old Town (behind hotel), lunch bash.
We’ve booked 12 ocean view rooms (220 RMBs/night; dbl. occ.; single rooms available at 440 RMBs; breakfast included) at the waterfront’s Prince Zhang Qiao Prince Hotel. Only 10 mins. walk from train station! Hashers will check-in and pay on own. If you want a roommate, try to match on your own; if not, contact Life of Pi.
Purchase your own train ticket. For schedule, see
Hopefully, you arrive on or before the G193 train (14:27 departure from South Station); last train on Friday: G197 (17:16 departure); you can also arrive on Saturday, G185 (departs 7:30, arrives 12:10). Let’s all aim for the D340 train on Sunday (17:24 departure; 22:21 arrival).
Hash Cash:
Simple. You pay your train ticket (round-trip 520 RMBs);
Lodging: 440-880 (dbl. occ. or single—you pay when you check-in, check-out). Want a roommate? Contact Life of Pi
Food and beer: we share (about 200 RMBs/person).
More details: If you’re on-on, please contact Life of Pi for lodging and train ticket confirmations.
Register on Eventbrite.