Prancing Queen inner monologue:

‘Hmmm. Okay. It’s Thursday and I need to do the write-up for the run on the 6th. Ideas? C’mon, man! THINK! How about the fake “Mexican” holiday cooked up by beer companies to sell beer? Nah, screw that. We’re not going to the Mexican Kitchen anyway so what’s the point? Alright. wiki: may 6th. GO! Hmmmm….1682 Louis XIV moved the court to Versailles. NAH. In 1889 the Eiffel Tower is officially opened. Still too French. Hindenburg Disaster? Too depressing. Bank of England independence….BLAH BLAH BLAH. Maybe some interesting people were born on the 6th. 1856 Sigmund Frued. No. Crap! THINK, MAN THINK! Oh wait. Pops was born in 1951 on May 6th. DONE!’

Alright, hashers, since PQ won’t be able to spend time with his old man for his birthday, he will do the next best thing: With the help of co-hare extraordinaire, Cock Sorcerer, he will bring you another amazing trail. You will laugh! You will drink beer! You will get laid! Most importantly you will thank him just like you did with last week with copious amounts of down-downs, and he will -once again – be so trashed by the end of dinner that he will think it’s a good idea to call Old Man Queen and wish him a happy birthday… at 5:00am PST.

  • Hares:
    Cock Sorcerer and Prancing Queen
  • Type:
    A to A
  • When:
    Sunday 6th of May
  • Time:
    Meet at 14:30, run starts at 15:00
  • Where:
    Wangjing station Exit C (South East)
  • Hash Cash:
    20 RMB Run and Circle or 60 RMB Run, Circle and Dinner
  • What’s up with Corona?
    Is Old Man Queen’s favorite beer… not that we will have a free coronas hash!