Dear All, Today is not a happy day for the hash. It is indeed a very sad day, particularly for the Beijing Hash House Harriers.

I regret to inform you all hashers that our very own Per “BJORN AGAIN” Holmgard, passed away on June 3rd, 2018 at 3:00 AM in Thailand in the company of his family, due to an illness that was affecting him for some time and that finally claimed his life.

BJORN AGAIN was one of those hashers that lived the hash deeply, he gave to the hash all himself, was a great hare and certainly a fantastic friend. You could always count on him for everything. His enthusiasm impregnated the hash to its core, motivated hashers and made those runs an exceptional time every time.

Now you are on the final trail Bjorn Again. We are going to miss you so much and your memories will stay always with us.
You’ll never be forgotten!

On On!

The Beijing Hash House Harriers