Early June in Beijing is the last opportunity to enjoy the shitty weather before summertime creeps in and it gets shitty and hot. What’s the best prelube for the ballsack-sweating and cleavage-soaking temperatures that are guaranteed to kickstart your seasonal Summertime Sadness? Summertime Sips & Sprints! Cum join us to sip on our shittiest summertime brews and sprint through our shaded concrete jungles before the sun gets a chance to melt your face off like that one dude in the Indiana Jones movie!

Hares: All Asshole, No Sack; Crack Mouth Trash; Just Dòu

Type: A to B (bag drop available at B — 500 meters north of A)

When: Saturday, June 3rd

Time: Meet at 2:30 p.m.; Run starts at 3:00 p.m.

Where: Shuangjing metro Exit E 双井地铁E出口

D’erections: Arrive at Shaungjing metro (lines 10 & 7) Exit E 到达双井地铁(10号线和7号线)E出口

Resto: 张子肉串川湘菜 (for bag drop, 500 meters north from Exit E,zhuagjing station)