
This Saturday’s Run falls at the culmination of The Jewish High Holidays New Year: ROSH HASHANA (Yes, September, New Year in the same sentence)

This time of year is about TRANSCENDing the stress of our week and life. We blow the SHOFAR one hundred times to ring in the new year (possibly because we’re deaf from all the Chinese construction noises, the Shofar might not be distinguishable the first 99 times). You can BYOSHOFAR, for sale in Sanlitun street Tibetan sell weird horns. We eat sliced apples dipped in Honey to remind us of the SWEETness yet to come and flip the bird at the whisper of another Beijing winter. We celebrate recovering from D&C Epic Birthday Bash, a lifetime of hangovers, that elusive paycheck that hasn’t been bequeathed upon us yet. We cling to any and all hope that our summer love days are still in bloom and not just another dead Houhai memory of the past. Come run together, whether your high hopes are floating on the waves or dashed. Pack light, you might need to carry your hares!

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  • Hares:
    Discount Dildo, Chippendale
  • Date:
    SATURDAY (!!!) 27 September, 2014
  • Hash Cash:
    20 RMB for run and circle, 70 RMB for run, circle and dinner
  • Meetup:
    2.30 pm, run starts 3 pm SHARP
  • Location:
    Xiyu Salar Home, Yangfang Hutong 54
    撒拉人家 羊房胡同54号(德胜门内大街口)
  • Directions:
    Follow hash marks: Subway station XinjieKou 新街口, Exit B walk LEFT (east) straight until the street hits a dead end at a T intersection. Make a left on xinjiekoubeidajie 新街口北大街 run 10 seconds north, then turn right onto xinjiekoudongjie 新街口东街, you will see 王胖子 donkeyburger, continue On On until you hit a second intersection. Cross the intersection, head straight into the alley 羊房胡同  YANGFANG Hutong #39

2014-09-22 16_03_27-Google Maps
