
A smooth river turns into a tumultuous swirl of white water, the tornado that unpredictably changes course on a dime or the wild interactions of three planets under one another’s gravitational pull. It’s called Chaos.

Democracy is foundation. Equality is premise. Constitutionalism is instrument. Liberty is goal. At all times refraining from authoritarianism and populism. Over forty hashers attempt to thread them together to celebrate Malaysia’s Independent Day, as such, for the cradle of Hash House Harriers since 1938 shaping a Hash nation. Creamy Lips as walking hare and stomach conqueror entertains the hashers with agreeable Malaysian snack and drinks once again. With the help of other two hares, Whose Red Wienie and Just Catherine, setting an A to B trail flavors a journey a dab sense of mystery by hashing a point of no return unlike A to A with a loop and a van takes a good care of the hashers’s bags.

In strepitous subway exit of Beijing Zoo, Dark Shaft finishes to collect Hash Cash for to-do list at 3:15 pm around; Agent Orgy functions vicarious GM to summon a starting circle; WRW explains a mark system to six virgins; Lost in Marks and Spencer as RA blesses the trail;  then all launch an advocacy checking for a nascent mark.

Plugging into a lane and noisy transportation junction jacks around the hashers for a little while. A red chalk sign on the pole levels the hashers off balls to the wall and pull out all the stops to the definite direction. Sink and Destroy hies to a leading way with perky strides; Blister Fister, Finger My Dough, virgins and so on are in the wake of her, through a zigzag aisle of building and down a maze of crowded tunnel. Just Tyler races ahead with holding a piece of life-size leg under his arm, a leggy one of mannequin; Pickle Boy pins a yellow kerchief on the brace of his jersey to piece together with other three colors like red, while and blue for four colors of Malaysian flag. Where colorful hashers are passing through, myriad of public eyes gaze at the hashers with smiles. Cutting through a greenbelt avenue, the hashers spot a mark for Hash Hold. Wisha! Dry Hole earlier hit the place mixing up a small group of hashing walkers. A steepled structure as Beijing Exhibition Center seating in another avenue becomes a landmark background of whole hashers’s pictures.

DH shouts out a mark to lead the way to move forward across a stream of traffic through a quiet street lined up with lumpy diverse modern buildings. Inattentively reaching at the first beer stop on the shoulder of street and the hashers one after another take them the first break with beer and extra liquor—Greek ouzo that seems to lack of purity. Aniseed’s flavor prolongs the time to be accepted for the first drinker. A toilet is not found by few semi-demanders. Drinking and talking are enough to enjoy a hashing in a lovely day.

Turning in a narrow hutong and keeping a long straight way. A light rain starts to sprinkle that registers a hot summer is fading away. Some hashers prepared raincoat such as Just Jessi, Sweet and Furry, etc., scaling up an overpass and down into an artistic zone with bizarre sculptures. Tight Quim runs at the fore, but a thin layer of wet is blanketing the ground including some marks. The hares upon occasion prompt a way out, through a patch of tree lawn and into a blunder-born trail under a high viaduct. Sobersided Just Catherine calls back the hashers who are getting lost. Trailing hashing lineup into a poky lengthy market where the flanks are being crammed with the locals buying and selling daily supplies, the hashers have to snail forward, every now and then yelling out some marks on the tiny poles. On the left to search a distance and then get at the second beer stop at a corner. Nevertheless a middle age local man as owner of the shop is perverse to refuse to sell any drinks to the hashers, inasmuch as he cannot understand in English, which makes some hashers peeved. Breakfast Included soon finds out another store nearby to supply the beers for the hashers; Flicks Her Bean advises that it’s his problem, not ours, so we don’t need anger to dampen our pleasure. It’s literally a good call! But like this typical local populist, there are a flock who if they cloud other’s pleasure every day, to dodge them is not best plan. One way and another, internationalization is slowing down due main part to them, even retrograding. At the new second beer stop with intensifying raindrops, bibulousness and confabulation relax the hashers to ride out. AO tastes a passion fruit she just shopped…

Believing in that some dragoon their dizzy head from drinking and running plus last night’s hangover, to buffet forward along with marked trail, crossing a foot bridge and obstreperous crossroad with red lights like dreadnaught, being nonplussed in a yard to enter a bright building for a restroom or the third beer stop? CL speaks out it’s termination as restaurant already and seeing that all walkers took the seats for a time. After simple change, heading to the gala circle in an aquarium-like high terrain with a row of arched gates in opposite street of restaurant.

Yea! It’s first time for AO to take the place of GM in which a trait of bashfulness and a relish of wittiness lubricate whole scene and she can do it. First two laps are everyone crunches toothsome Malaysian snack from CL and then stirs to hash process, like six virgins’s welcoming ceremony and several long-time-no-sees, FMD’s hundred run mug (of course sends one until GMs come back),  rounds on rounds for three hares as journeymen segue with libation for “index crime” that mostly warm beers are offered in circle ritual as never before. It’s a pity that no virgin took a spill in intraday’s hashing for a naming from what Life Of Pee nominated “Segway something”. CL fetches out a pot of vintage vodka to treat every hasher. Peremptory challenge never ever happens with every Hash song from DH on behalf of musical voice of “trial jury” based on each sideshow. Six Kuai Short yanks Just Tylor to bend his elbow with his pet, one peg leg and he lies down the ground and SKS pours the beer along this leg’s upper point to toe down his mouth, this creative stunt tickles the hashers’s fancy. “Accusation” part is some call relative percept vacillating between an inkling of the truth and vague misgiving like Nut Pirate, Whora the Explora, etc. Suddenly a groundsman dispossesses the hashers and then the circle is moved down to low ground next to the street. Fetus Envy exhibits his a classic Hash song to be SongMaster’s potential. LiM&S ends up with Swing Low as Hash national song with the hashers in mass with three versions, in silent one, Rambo Number Five’s trill does show an exotic sepulchral sound, and things. Other participants: Karate, Bjorn Again, Snowman, Heart On, Red Snatcher, Crash Test Dummy, Shaven Not Stirred, Khlitleesi, Easy Rider and unbeknowns. And thirty hashers stay to dine in a savoury. Hereby thanks three hares’s unmitigated effort and two RAs co-prayed a moist Jing’s taste.

Many hashers experience a high and mighty wingding in a rash of bars from a party bus after Full Moon Hash. Have a blast!

At nightfall of Saturday, before restaurant, more than ten hashers sing and scream to name Just Kylee into a coronation for her Hash Handle hosted by Six Kuai Short who has come back his function of FMH’s GM. Sure does, rounds of debates for some nominations, at last Rainblow Bush goes into effect from then onwards when makes her on her knees to receive the hashers’ benedictional beer shower. From her sensible smile to her fervent blue hairdo, she deserves a Hash title. Blister Fister’s new shoes are amazing big 49 sizes. He’s happy to knock back full of beer with one new shoe. Three hares are hailed to drink for couples of times and all look up to bawl off a moon that’s covered by establishments. The half save a local dinner and Dry Hole chants a Hash song that’s composed by himself as his maiden work. Keep doing and you have quality for that.

Differently, in the late afternoon, the hashers kick off a moon chase in a daytime. Perhaps BJ hashing was emptied for a week. DH scats for five minutes later, all take action on the trail. Passing by Paddy’s bar and turning in a residential community and a hutong to the busy street. An Open Check bewilders the hashers for a short while. Finally Fetus Envy appeals it out on one side of big crossroad and takes the lead for a beeline way. Again going into a big living area close to a canal. At the mark of Open Check, the hashers come to a stand. Whora the Explora utters shrill cry for a mark that immediately heartens the others. The mark ushers the trail into the iron gate of another dweller quarters, there are shaky bypaths with flowerbeds for a long trail, but nothing else for a mark. A bit dejected hashers have to double back to the last mark at gate. Unintentionally glancing around a broke grille of a rail fence just opening an edge-space through where a slender flour mark is laying down the ground, how tricky but fun! Down to the canal bank, a tranquil environment accommodates some anglers to fish. Pickle Boy strides forward until an end of a canal bridge and crosses a bridge to down another part of the canal bank and runs a length of silent trail later, lands a broad bustling street to a rushing intersection. Agent Orgy tiptoes across a red light accompanied with smile of cab driver stopping for her. Yikes! The first beer stop is rightly set up in this corner by DH sitting and sipping to await and Sink and Destroy next to him. Some gripes at S&D that did not call back to others for the marks. In fact, she did, it’s just who she runs too fast. No wonder she’s a shadow of DH. Several brimmers on the ground comfort the hashers. Heart On takes a photo for DH’s fine face comparing with a young boy’s one and nine hashers make posture for a photo as well. Five walkers cannot catch up the runners and directly return to restaurant and Dazed and Confused goes back himself, too. S&D as second hare nips away. When activating the trail, it changes to the dark.

Spending a while to course along with street in night view, as reaching a crossroad of main road, an Open Check baffles the hashers back and forward and eventually WtE re-checks a large overpass and another end she signals back her resounding call. At once, DH responds that I’m coming that amuses others and tags up and down to a dim lush garden. A few marks lead the way for a short time and DH’s call brings others out of it and runs in a hustling street. Later on, being an eastern end of street, S&D is sitting on the curb to wait for with bottles of beer. Shortly all hit the second beer stop to sit on the curb for conversing and drinking. By surprise, A faint bright full moon is rising up from southeastern side and soon disappears. While being poised to start up, Nut Pirate is like a stalker appearing. BF makes tracks for the third hare. Some matter-of-factly has realized how to go back. Taking ten min around and sweeping out one mark, but the hashers cannot find any whereabouts of the next mark. Hence DH yells all the way to follow his nose to backtrack. After 15 min, the hashers return to restaurant. And then some walkers have been over there such as Crash Test Dummy, Rambo Number Five, Just Gabiriella and Shaven Not Stirred as well as two latecomers like Karate and Hebei Horse Herpes. All with indefatigable spirit seem to be galliard and waggish in the matter of wheel of life to perch on a crutch.

On On…

Pickle Boy

Beijing. Tuesday,

September 01, 2015