The probability of random number 37 in the genetic code is 10 trillion times.

Yangbian Great Wall segued Boxer Hash #159 on Saturday conducted by the 3 idyllized hares Red Snatcher, Shaven Not Stirred and Finger My Dough. Over 30 hashers were like eupatrid mountaineers to tramp over hill and dale. Standing on the orgulous piton along with the ridged ruins of Great Wall to fathom suspended animation. Eazy Rider on hillside raised a bottle of beer to refract an intense beam of light from silicon-based life for seeking iron nutrition. This moment was snapshot by Damaged Goods……

Sunday afternoon, the 3 hares Karate, Heart On and PreLubed settle the circle in a cryptic and wooded clearing tightly surrounded by hedgerow. 007 comes up late for the circle only. GM Super Squirter plays her part with wearing a suspender midiskirt whose tinct and pattern match up with Stoned Age’s ones. 6 virgins who are some in sombreros and glowing afro-wig as well as some in wreaths being welcomed with shouts of joy from hashers and the Hash Song. A souvenir for each virgin is indispensable. The rays of sunshine squeeze through crevices and apertures of foliaged canopy. The nimbus mingles with hashers’s gorgeousness to construct a fairytale oomph. The cold beer exuberates visceral piquance of hashers. Occasional Luminary Phantom fills the vacancy of RA to sum up anecdote of hashers. Some laps of “accusations” arm-twist sideshows. Acting RA Phantom leads a multi-chorus of Swing Low to swab down subreption of shindig. About 15 hashers dine on a local food with brightness. And then a small group sail to Paddy’s for lashing against emotional vomitorium in booze.

Dry Hole and Pickle Boy leapfrog subsequent to the hare HO’s keyed-up explanation for mark system to virgins and Phantom’s finger praying guiding all hashers on our knees. On the main road, from a 2-Way mark, there is a turnoff to show a straight 3 signs (generally 2 signs) to encounter Oh Shit sign that hooks up many hashers for a while. Crossing the street into a residential zone. No Shit Sherlock, Danger Zone, Hard To Live With, Sausage Party, Hot Cockolate, etc brattle ahead for the time being. The hare HO vamps up the trail with new marks at a stretch. A tangent mark ushers hashers into on an enclosed flyover. The more greenery the more hashing direction. A Beer Near sign exhilarates hashers to shoot to the first beer stop by roadside. A trip of walkers catch up like Creamy Lips, Just Desmond, Smells Fishy, Just Chris, Just Daina holding her skinny puppy, etc. Terracotta Whorrior and Just Mona start to drink in such a hot spring. The color wreath, cingulate headband and chromatic sportswear brim Agent Orgy with radiant energy. The breeze wafts pleasure and comfort around the hashers.

Ripping through a complex to separate hashers into 2 subsets for an Open Check point. Slappy Seconds locates Hash Hold at a statue for a great hawk spreading its wings vividly. Just Albert hits bonanza to spot a large clover with 4 leaves. Shortly all hashers gather for group photos. Just Jacob takes the lead. Scaling a foot bridge down to cut through a patch of grass. Just Diego revs up to enter a tiny park. Crash Test Dummy recognizes it conjures up the hash boating here 2 years ago. A call for On On brings hashers into a lush wooded trail perpendicular to northward via a small lake where sporadic boats ripple around. The clear-cut marks pilot hashers up to the northern gate to arrive the second beer stop at a detached shop. The tattle occupies most of time. Tantantalizer chain-smokes to break her single life. Suddenly 3 stragglers appear. Turns out the pacemakers like DH, Principal Penetration and Just Dan. Then the hare elucidates the homestretch has to go back to this park to home restaurant. On top of it, the hashers rattle back through a meandering parkway to out the western gate. The minute the hashers are susceptible of observing a street-scape, the restaurant strikes the eyes of hashers. A local old man with a little boy pass by the hashing lineup. This little boy constantly mooches, “grandpa, I wanna run, too! Grandpa, I wanna run, too!”

On On…

Pickle Boy
Beijing. Tuesday,
May 02, 2017